
Faucetpay Payeer

Multiaccounts. Manual mode. The captcha solver. A browser fingerprint for each profile.

Debiting from the balance only if there is a reward, 1 reward = 1 write-off.

There may be problems downloading in the browser Chrome.

Browsers-Manager MultiBot-HTTP MultiBot MultiBot-BUX


A bot for creating and managing browser profiles.
For automation, use Tampermonkey scripts.

In the bot, when filling out the profile data, be sure to specify the email from FaucetPay, some sites require it to collect and withdraw funds. A short manual from the user here.

Description of the parameters and settings of the bot.

Creating bots and profiles:

  • You can create an unlimited number of profiles in each bot.
    1 bot = 1 stream (browser).
    All profiles of each bot work in turn.
    Profiles with a registered proxy generates its own browser fingerprint.
    It is logical to use the creation of several profiles in one bot when multiaccounting one or just a few sites. For example, you have 9 proxies, you can create 10 profiles (one without a proxy + 9 with a proxy) and select only the same site in each profile.
    If you want to use more than "just a few sites" using proxies, then it would be more logical to use one profile for each bot.
    You can also distribute 1 IP to several bots.For example, one bot with a profile for collecting BTC, the second bot with a profile for collecting DOGE, etc.Thus, it is possible to make maximum charges from one IP in a short period of time.
  • +Add Bot - Create a bot
  • All save - Save everything (all bots and profiles).


  • +Profile - Create a profile.
  • Run - Launch the browser in manual mode with a selection of profiles (for registrations, withdrawals, etc.).
  • Test - Launching the bot in test mode.
  • Del - Delete the bot with all profiles.
  • All Off - Disable all profiles in the bot.
  • All On - Enable all profiles in the bot.


  • On/Off - Turn on/Turn off the profile.
  • Work Time - The working time of the profile from and to in hours (local time, which is in the PC).
  • Data:(Profile Data)
    U-A - The user is the browser agent (it is recommended to leave it empty).
    Proxy - Proxy if available.
    Comment - Comment on the profile.
    mail - Email from FaucetPay. It is necessary for sites where mail is required instead of a wallet (including when withdrawing from savings accounts).
    login и Pass - login and password.It will be installed for all cumulative sites if the "Auto-checkbox" parameter is set to "Turn On" in SETTINGS.
  • faucets - A table of all profile sites for manual data editing.
  • Del - Deleting a profile.
  • Clear - Clear all timers of profile sites.
  • Save - Save all settings.
  • Start default Bot - Launch the default browser of the bot (All subsequent bots are powered by this bot).


  • Max bots: The maximum number of running bots
  • Max Ram bot: The maximum RAM of the bot (when reached, the bot will be restarted).
  • Browser visibility mode (Recommended "Visible"):
    Visible - The bot window is maximized
    Minimize - The bot window is minimized.
  • Timer launches (sec): Time between bot launches.
  • Update the list: Receive site list updates.
  • Auto-checkbox: Automatically enable sites (provided that the data is registered in the profile data).
  • Max wait element (sec): The maximum waiting time for an element on a browser page.
  • Max bad timer: The maximum time for the site to go to sleep.
  • Resource control: Control of PC resources (bots do not run over 95% of CPU and RAM).
  • Captcha priority: Captcha solution priority list (Use mouse dragging).
  • Only min reward: Do not visit sites whose reward is lower than the one set in the currency.


  • Bad Cloudflare (min): Sleep time if CloudFlare is not passed.
  • Daily limit (min): Sleep time when the daily limit is reached.
  • No balance (min): Sleep time in the absence of balance.
  • Bad Shortlink (min): Sleep time if ShortLinks are not passed.


  • Use Referer:
    DO NOT USE - Do not use.
    For Bot-1 prof-1 - "Bot-1 prof-1" referral of all profiles from all bots.
    All bots prof-1 - "prof-1" each bot has a referral of all bot profiles.
  • use the "LADDER": Creating a referral "ladder" (each profile is a referral of the previous profile).

Global lists:

  • Global lists (Separated by commas.The lists are valid in all profiles in all bots):
    Black - Blacklist
    White - Whitelist
    Apply - By clicking, the lists are added to the already existing profile lists.
    Static - When clicked, the lists will be overwritten in all profiles.

Add or change (currency, timer) the site:

  • Name: Site URL.
  • Coin: Currency.
  • Timer: Site Visit timer.
  • Type:
    instant - instant payment website.
    cumulative - cumulative website.
  • Script: using the script. For instant payment sites, use "mb_fp", for cumulative sites, in most cases "mb_via" is suitable.
  • ADD - It will be added or changed by clicking.

Delete the site:

  • In the table search, type the site (or part of the site).
    In the first column, click on the checkbox (check mark) to select the site to delete.
    By clicking on the "DEL" button, the sites will be removed from the list and all profiles.
    If the "Update the list" parameter is set to "Turn On" in SETTINGS, then the list of sites will be updated within 3 hours and deleted sites will reappear.Also, if the "Auto-checkbox" parameter is enabled, they will be inserted, provided that the data is registered in the "data" of the profile.

Quick creation of multiaccounts (from the file):

  • Create a file "data.txt " with the contents of the account data in this form:
    login;password;proxy;user-agent or wallet;ref;proxy;user-agent
    and put it in the "assets" directory (i.e. the path "assets\data.txt ").
    In the "DEL FAUCETS" table, find and copy (hover the mouse + right click) the site you need.
  • Name: Paste (Ctrl+v)
  • Profiles in each bot: Select the number of profiles in each bot.
  • Start with (bot) The bot to start creating profiles from.
  • Check file Checking before creation.
  • CREATE Deletes all existing data and creates new ones.
  • CHANGE It will overwrite all the data and add new ones to the existing ones.

Additional settings for websites.(only for accumulative ones):

  • In the "DEL FAUCETS" table, find and copy (hover the mouse + right click) the site you need.
  • Save: Save the settings.
  • Name: Paste the copied site (Ctrl+v)
  • achievements: Visit achievements (enabled by default).
  • PTC: PTC viewing (enabled by default).
  • Min Withdraw: Withdraw when the set value (balance) is reached.
  • Max Withdraw: Withdraw no more than the set value.
  • Captcha priority: The priority is to choose this captcha on the site.
  • List Faucets: The list of selectors for switching to the tap (by default a[href*="/faucet"],[href*="/madfaucet"])
  • Authorised Selector: Authorization selector (by default a[href*="/login"])
  • Inputs Login: Field selectors for authorization (by default input[name="email"],input[name="password"])
  • Balance Selector: Balance selector (default #tokenBalance,#usdBalance, #withdraw_amount)